Thursday, April 30, 2009

Annie sits!

Our wonderful friend, Adina, just shared this photo of Annie at her daughter's bday party. I have to say, it took my breath away to see how far Annie has come when just one month ago she wasn't able to sit up. We will post more on the [Amazing] March for Babies soon but this, I felt, couldn't wait.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Getting ready to march!

There is still time to donate:

We are thrilled that we are being joined by friends, family and (hopefully) some of our NICU friends. Thank you, Uncle Nate, for our awesome Team Annie and friends logo!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

On all fours

Annie is really starting to make some progress (which I completely credit the PT with). She is now crawling very comfortably and starting to feel more comfortable standing if she can lean on a small table. It's wonderful to see her progressing so quickly and we will all keep up with encouraging her to try all these new movements!

Annie has also become a bit of an indicator for the pollen count. We have it under control, but she does seem to react a bit to the increased pollen count in the air. So, if you're wondering if it's high, we'll be sure to let you know.

Otherwise, we are gearing up for the March for Babies that is coming up next week. Team Annie is going strong and we have raised over $1000! Thank you to all of you who have supported us. If you haven't had a chance yet, we encourage you to join us in the walk, donate, give blood or even just give a hug to a family coping with prematurity. Let them know they are not alone and always feel free to share the blog if it can be of any help.

Here is our team site:

March on!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Annie's first acceptance letter

We heard back from Early Intervention and Annie was found eligible. The process was a little taxing since it involves an evaluation that identifies all of the cognitive and physical delays that your child is experiencing. Annie is more than a 1/3 delayed in a few areas (primarily physical) so we were found eligible. It's hard to hear that your child is 'delayed' but it has been heartening to learn that we are not alone and so much can be done to help her right away.

Today we met with the team to review their assessment, articulate our goals for Annie and match her with the necessary services. She will be receiving physical therapy 2x a week and will have a feeding assessment. This is to address her 'low tone' and look more into why her speech is delayed (for those of who know Elly this is shocking that Annie is not inclined towards babbling). Annie has already responded so well to the PT we've provided her that I am so excited that we have committed, comprehensive resources supporting her development.

This program is truly a gift. Steve and I didn't really know what to expect and we were so pleasantly surprised. Rather than seeing Annie as 'delayed', Annie is seen as a source of potential and we are all working together to help her achieve that potential. Annie's team has just gotten that much stronger.